Checking How to Write a Check
Madison Homan
Zoomed in picture of person's hands filling out a paper check

Writing a check may seem like a lost art form. And while check writing isn’t as popular as it once was, it is still an easy and important skill that every adult should know. Check writing involves 6 steps: write the current date, add the name of the payee, write the payment amount in numerical form, write the payment amount in words, include a memo, and sign the check.

We all hate getting stuck behind someone writing a check at the grocery store. While this may not be the most efficient use of paper checks, it is essential to remember that checks may still be required in some situations (just not in the grocery store). Because of this, knowing how to write a check is a skill every adult should have in their financial toolbelts. 


How to write a check

Not all checks look the same, but every paper check has the same fields to input information about the amount paid, who the payee is, and more. Starting from the top of a check and moving to the bottom from left to right, here is how to write a check:  

A paper check filled out completely, including date, amount, and signature 

  1. Write the current date. In the top right corner, enter the date the check is written (typically today’s date). This indicates to both the payee and the bank when it was written. Remember, a paper check is a legal document, so the date should always be when you signed the bottom of the check. 

  2. Add the name of the payee. On the line that says “pay to” or “pay to the order of,” write the name of the person, company, or organization you want to pay. If you are unsure of the payee's name, make sure you get the correct information before writing the check. 

  3. Write the payment amount in numerical form. Write the exact amount using dollars and cents to the right of the printed dollar sign. Ensure you write the amount as close to the dollar sign as possible to prevent someone from committing fraud by adding additional digits to the left (for example, changing 500.00 to 5,500.00)

  4. Write the payment amount in words. On the long line below “pay to the order of,” write the exact dollar amount in words. For example, if you are paying $1,500.38, you will write “one thousand five hundred dollars and 38/100”. Writing the dollar amount in words is the official amount of your payment. If that amount differs from the numeric form you entered in the previous step, the amount you wrote in words will legally be the amount of your check. 

  5. Include a memo. Although filling out the “memo” or “for” section is optional, it helps indicate why you wrote the check. Some companies or landlords may even require you to provide additional details in the memo line, like your ID or apartment number.

  6. Sign the check. As a final step for check writing, sign on the line at the bottom right of the check. This indicates to the bank that you agree to pay the stated amount to the designated payee. Without a signature, a paper check is not valid. 


What are the numbers on a check? 

You may have been asked to provide a voided paper check to set up an account or direct deposit payments. You probably did it without asking many questions. Still, a paper check was requested because important personal bank numbers – your account and bank routing numbers- are listed on paper checks. These numbers expedite the account setup process. Learn more about the numbers on a paper check:

A paper check showing the numbers on the bottom of the check and explaining which is the account number, routing number, and check number

  1. Bank routing number. Your bank’s routing number is the first set of nine-digit numbers on a check in the bottom left corner. Every bank has a unique routing number that indicates where the checking account used to fund the paper check was opened. You can think of a routing number as an address associated with your bank, and this “address” is used for electronic transactions like fund transfers, direct deposits, and automatic bill payments. 

  2. Account number. Your account number is the second set of numbers on the bottom of your check, between 9 and 12 digits. This number lets the bank know which checking account to take the funds from.  

  3. Check number. The final number you see on a paper check is the check number. Each paper check is numbered, and the numbers appear both in the top right corner of the check and after the account number at the bottom. This number is helpful for your record-keeping. 

Along with incredible checking account options, many credit union checking accounts offer paper checks. Interested in learning more about credit union checking accounts? Find a credit union near you today!